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2015/01/27 IGB REIT 派息3.9仙

IGB REIT declares income distribution of 3.9 sen per unit, 4Q profit down 64% on previous revaluation gains

IGB Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) recorded a total distribution per unit of (DPU) of 7.79 sen for the financial year ended Dec 31, 2014, an increase of 10.7% from 7.04 sen in FY13.
The total DPU in FY14 represented a yield of 5.37%, based on the unit’s closing price of RM1.31 today.

On prospects, IGB REIT expects 2015 to be a challenging year. Hence it is “cautiously optimistic” that its financial performance for the year ending Dec 31, 2015, would be “satisfactory”.
IGB REIT’s shares closed one sen or 0.76% lower at RM1.31 today.  

